"Through Him we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the Gentiles." -Romans 1:5
YWAM Trang
YWAM Trang is a YWAM base in the south of Thailand in the province of Trang. In March of 2021 God moved unanimously among the hearts of all the staff at YWAM North Idaho to relocate to the south of Thailand. It was a special and unforgettable time of the Holy Spirit moving and making clear His will and call for our team to go. Since that time, God has more than doubled our team to 17 individuals! In July of 2022 the team moved to an unreached region in Thailand to pioneer the YWAM Trang base.
YWAM Trang Vision and Values
Mission Statement
We commit to bring about the obedience of faith among the unreached nations by mobilizing, discipling, and going.
Inspiring, challenging, and equipping Christ followers to focus on God's Global Purpose by aligning priorities, efforts, and resources so that the unreached people groups give their worship to Jesus Christ.
Relationally and holistically partnering with the Holy Spirit in the sanctification process by making disciples who make disciples in all our day-to-day life.
Regularly going on outreaches throughout Southern Thailand first and our adopted nations sharing the Gospel in both word and deed.
Thailand is an unreached southeast Asian country with roughly 88% of the population Buddhist, 4% Islam, and only a mere 1.3% Christian.
The majority of the population holds the belief, "To be Thai is to be Buddhist." Many are not devout , rather they consider themselves Buddhist because they were born into it.
Thai Buddhism doesn't strictly hold to the teachings of Buddha, but rather is mingled with animism, folklore, and superstition.
Many Thais have never heard the gospel or about Jesus at all. The only time they may even hear about Jesus is through a movie from Hollywood or a religions class in university!
An unreached people group is a people group in which there is not enough Christians (less than 2%) or resources (Such as Bibles in their language) to evangelize the people group without outside assistance.
42% of the world is unreached. That is roughly 3.2 BILLION people. Most of these people are in a region of the world called the 10/40 window.
Lost vs. Unreached: All men are lost without Christ. However not all people are unreached. People groups with access to the gospel are not unreached, but if they reject the gospel they are lost. Unreached means they have not heard the gospel, nor do they know where to go to hear it.
Of the 400,000 Christian missionaries sent out, 97% of those missionaries go to reached places. (Mexico, Latin America, South Africa, etc.) The remaining 3% go to the places that are unreached and spiritually desolate.
$47 Billion is given to the church annually. Of that amount, 4% is given to all missions. Only 1% of that is given towards unreached missions! That means of every dollar given to the church, less than a penny makes it to the 3.2 billion people in the unreached.
About YWAM
Youth With a Mission (YWAM) is an international and interdenominational missionary organization founded by Loren Cunningham in 1960. He founded YWAM after he had a vision of millions of young people covering the continents like a wave. The goal of YWAM's ministries is to teach young men and women to know God, and to make Him known to the nations. YWAM focuses on three main areas: Evangelism, training, and mercy ministries (medical and relief work). Each base is run a little differently, but all hold to the eighteen values that YWAM has in place.