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Picture of a woman with short brown hair standing in front of some greenery

Here's a little about me!

My name is Rebecca Valler, but I usually go by Becca. I am in my early 20's and I moved to Trang, Thailand as a part of Youth With A Mission, Trang (YWAM Trang) in July of 2022. I want you to know that I am just an ordinary person who has been radically changed by Christ. I would not be alive today, or have any hope for eternity without his power and love impacting my heart.


As a result, I have dedicated my life to giving the Lamb of God the reward of his suffering on the cross. I do this by prioritizing going to the unreached nations of the world  and sharing the gospel, just like Jesus commanded over two-thousand years ago. (Matt. 28:18-24) My goal is to know God, and make him known to the nations, especially to the unreached nation of Thailand, as well as make the Great Commission known to young men and women of God.


As a part of YWAM Trang, my goal is to see all of Thailand reached in my lifetime. That doesn't mean that every Thai is a believer, but rather that they have access to the gospel, and a personal friend who could share Christ with them. In addition to that, it means the indigenous Thai church is sending disciples to other unreached nations. Currently I have a commitment to YWAM Trang for five years, but I have no intention to go back to the US at the end of that time. (Except for visits to family, friends, and supporters of course!) As far ahead as I can see, I will be living in Thailand. I truly want to see God receive the worship he is due from the Thai people, and Thai people have a deep, and intimate relationship with Christ as both Lord and Savior.


My ministry and desire is the same as that of YWAM Trang; to bring about the obedience of faith among the unreached nations by mobilizing, discipling, and going. This is done through a variety of ministries, but primarily through OTM (Outreach Teams Ministry) and DTS (Discipleship Training School). It is a great honor to follow my King with this radical team, and to seek out the lost among the Neediest Red. As well as the rest of our team, my priority is ministry among the people groups that are unreached, and foregoing ministry among gospel saturated/reached peoples. May the Lamb receive the reward of his suffering!

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